After contemplating over and over again if I should give it another try this cycle or allow nature to take its course. I made the decision to move forward, pick myself up to try again. I received a call from one of the nurses asking what my plans were for this cycle. I told her I didn't feel like jumping to IVF after one failed attempt of IUI it just didn't seem reasonable. Sure I can go into this blindfolded again to see if IVF does get me knocked up. What if it does? Then what? I have my baby and wonder if I have to go through this again because my tubes may possibly be blocked? I don't think so. I can't do that to myself. We agreed on another round of Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI. I went in yesterday for my baseline u/s, all clear!! Good to start meds. Nurse Irene didn't know if Dr. M wanted to increase my dosage of the clomid so I left without that prescription. Although, I did leave with three other perscriptions. 1. Antibiotics for HSG 2. Ovidrel 3. Valium. Before I left I asked Irene if she recommended taking a valium before the HSG. Without hesitation she said YES. Given my experience I immediately asked for one. I was planning on coming straight to work after the HSG but since the valium is going to tag along I took the day off. Since we have our vacation plans for this summer I was hoping to avoid using so much time off of work. If this is another unsuccessful HSG I am going to cry my ass off. Wasted hours. One less day in La La land. *sigh*
So anyhoo, Dr. M decided to increase my dosage to 100mg of clomid this cycle. I hope my body responds better than the 50mg. I will be taking it CD5-9, starting yesterday, then going in on the 19th of March for an u/s. This cycle I want to vow that I will not google anything to do with infertility. 100% focused, calm, intrigued on everything else around me that is not TTC related. Maybe I shall go shopping for my dress and shoes for my brother's wedding. Which happens to be in a bit over a month from now. I should technically already have this stuff with being the M.O.H I just can't find interest in it right now. Can't focus! Can't relax! I see pregnant women everywhere! I need a movie night with a nice dinner (of course with some wine) just so I can give my full devoted attention to my wonderful husband who has had to deal with my emotional rollercoaster.
Side rant: There's this young lady who is about 3-4 months pregnant and is getting on my nerves constantly. I dont know if I am just bitter or IDK what it is about her. She annoys me.
New Plan
A 20 something year old trying to navigate through the infertility world. After two miscarriages I was told I have two mutations of MTHFR and Lupus anticoagulant antibodies. Hoping to have a successful pregnancy so we can have are happy ending.
Good luck!! I'm really hoping that this increased Clomid does the trick for you along with the HSG and everything. Love that your RE is really looking out for you.
ReplyDelete*hugs* on the preggo girl. Trust me, I know how that one feels.
Glad you got what you wanted with the increase in dosage of Clomid, and I hope you respond like superwoman to it and it makes you some super follies!