Shit just got real

They are finally here!! My meds of course. For some reason I thought I would hyperventilate when they arrived but I was just a bit overwhelmed seeing all those needles. I began to question if I was ready. Could I proceed with this? Forget the fact that I already paid for the meds. Or that I paid for surgery. Was I mentally ready to move forward with IVF? 

I expressed my concerns with J and his response was if your not ready then we don't have to move forward. Guess what?? I nearly lost my mind and began to mention all the reason I couldn't stop everything. As scared as I am the outcome is what allows me to move forward. I'm not getting a 100% guarantee that a baby will be the outcome BUT just the thought helps me move forward. 

Fear aside I am ready to get poked. No not really but I will try my best to hold the tears back. Good news is that J was able to get a schedule change so he will be with me incase I can't find the strength to stab myself. Eeek!

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  1. It's so overwhelming when those meds show up at your doorstep. You will become a pro in no time, and if it leads to a baby then it will ALL be worth it! GL girlie!

  2. you can do it! think of everyone else out there that is muddling through and doing it! the first few pricks are the hardest to get through. i prefered doing it myself than having my hubby do it for me (he also was at work most of the time). it was a control thing for me, but either way, good luck!

  3. Good luck!! The first injection is the hardest but I promise it does get easier :)

  4. Yay for shit getting real!! I agree, first shot is the'll be fine, just think of what's at the end of all this waiting for you!

  5. Big hugs. Jojo you are strong. You got this. Praying for you guys, as always!

  6. The first shot is soooo traumatic. But it's amazing what you can get used to. Good luck! I'm cheering you on!

  7. This is pretty exciting! Seeing all the meds is crazy, but you'll do just fine!!!

  8. You can do it! I'm on day 2 of my Lupron shots! Once I did that first one, I felt so much better! Not as bad as I thought! It's all for a good reason, right? :)

    Man and Wife and Two Fur Babies
