Blighted Ovum

Is what I was diagnosed with. Of course I broke down in tears and had an emotional break down. Just like that it came and went. Before my appointment...actually since my last ultrasound I have been prayin to God for peace and comfort. Today I prayed for him to stay by my side and hold me as I endure this. Strangely this was before my ultrasound. And that is what he did. He held me and allowed me to heal through tears and then he made me smile here an there with J. Sure we are both extremely sad and heart broken but we both believe everything is for a reason. We will mourn but move forward with his help. 

We still haven't gotten a proper consult with Dr K because I couldn't speak during our appt. He offered to see us tomorrow to discuss our options. As I now I am just going to allow myself to heal emotionally. 

After our bad news J took me to breakfast because I refused to go home. Then we ran errands...I truly believed that allowed me to heal instead of coming home just to cry. Now I just feel peace and that lets me know The Lord has not abondened my request. 

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  1. Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I am on the verge of crying! My thoughts and prayers are with you two! Life is so unfair sometimes! :(

  2. I am so so sorry. My heart sank when I saw your post. Thinking about you as you heal. Much love. xoxo

  3. I don't know a thing about this, but so glad you felt the Lord's presence. Remember, the Lord is SO much bigger than any diagnosis or doctor's report!!!

  4. Oh man, so sorry to hear this... my thoughts are with you right now. I hope you can speak with your dr soon and figure out next steps. xoxo!

  5. I am so sorry to read this JoJo, my heart broke when I saw your post. I'm glad that you have peace and I hope that you guys will get answers and will be able to move forward soon.

  6. I am so deeply sorry. I know there are no words to comfort you right now but know that I'm thinking of you!

  7. I am so sorry for your loss :( Losses are so hard! I am glad that you are feeling peace. I pray that the rest of the grieving process goes smoothly. For me, I went straight from devastation to anger rather quickly and stayed their for awhile. I hope you and your doctor can find your next step quickly!

  8. Oh hon, I'm so sorry. So, so sorry. None deserves this, but certainly not after everything you've been through. Thinking of you!

  9. I am so deeply sorry. I know there aren't words really but you are in my prayers.

  10. Hugging you from here and thinking of you. Loss is never easy, and unfortunately it's sometimes the rain before the rainbow. Looking forward to blessings for you to come and for the sadness to be overcome by joy from new, good, (sticky bean) news.
