Don't Quit

Lately I have been thinking about 2013 and what it will bring into our lifes. Sometimes I can be optimistic but at times I cannot seem to see what the future holds for me. The thought of never having the ability to bare a child of my own saddens me. Not only because I want this more than anything in this world but because DH is always talking about "when we have our kids". Its every couples' dream isn't it? To see a little mini us running around and seeing/ learning new things everyday. I will try my best to stay hopeful so that I can continue with this journey and send my body positive vibes that we will achieve our dream. I stumbled upon this poem/writing on pinterest and it encouraged me not to quit so soon. Hope you ladies find a piece of motivation/encouragement to stay strong and positive through this journey.

On another note, this weekend Dh & I found out one of his sisters is getting married in 2013. So now we have two weddings to look forward to in the coming year. We were planning to go to California 2xs in 2013. So now we will be going in August for the wedding, which is perfect because its a couple days after my BDAY(=, and hopefully for a holiday. I know it has been tough for DH this year not seeing his family, with that in mind I told him that next year we will go whenever he wants to. He didn't seem to pleased since NEXT YEAR sounds a lifetime away. But when he received the news of his sister getting married his doubtfulness turned into excitement. Another of his sisters that just had a baby girl in October sent us a pic last night. Eventhough I am having such a difficult time with conceiving my feelings towards her new bundle of joy aren't bitter. We used to live with her when we first moved in together. She has a big heart and I grew very fond of her kids, as I can tell they also grew fond of me too.

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  1. I love the poem! It's something I needed to see as I have the same fears as you do and my DH is always saying "when" we have kids and lately there's a lot of "I really hope we can have kids, wouldn't it be awesome?". God is hurts to not give this to him. He'd me an amazing father. However, there's no telling what the future holds and hopefully pregnancy and a baby. *hugs*

  2. Cute baby! So glad you and your man will have a chance to get away to CA this year. It's always nice to have something to look forward to and get your mind off the everyday, especially when so much of it revolves around TTC. Praying for you that 2013 will bring some good news to you two!
