Back at work

Its been a while since I've updated my blog. Its always on the back of my mind and I begin to write post but never have the time to finish them. Hopefully I can squeeze some time now that I am officially back at work. Maybe next week since I am still trying to get back in the groove of working plus I don't have access to most of my stuff which leads to being away from my desk throughout the day. Even though I am not writing I am keeping up with everyone's blogs for the most part.

There is not one day that I dont think, pray, sob, etc for all my TTC sisters. Even though I have officially crossed over the pain still lingers from my own journey regardless of how much joy my son brings me. Don't ever lose hope even when the odds are against you.

.....hope to write a longer post sooner rather than later.
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  1. I just adore that you think about us, your TTC sister. That means so much and I'm sure you don't hear it enough, but we, the TTC community, are sooo happy for you and you should never feel like we don't care or don't want to know all the baby stories. I look forward to your updates and so happy for you and your family. What a blessing your little boy is and one day, me and the other sisters, will know that joy too!

    God bless!!
    Megan R Richards

  2. I know how hard it is to leave your baby and go back to work. It definitely got easier for me over time. Wishing you all the best with this transition.
