After what felt like an eternity, i finally had my follie check u/s today. Nurse Christine was delighted with what she saw. I in the other had left trying to maintain an optimistic perspective. The drive from the clinic to work is less than 15 minutes, so my mind was on overdrive with a bunch of what ifs. My intuition kicked in since my CD3 u/s, something told me that my left side wanted to get some attention this medicated cycle. Wish granted! You got my effin attention. The u/s revealed 4 potential follies, which are as follows:
Left Ovary: 16mm & 13mm
Right Ovary 15mm & 12mm
Lining: 7 mm
I could be mixing the 13 & 12mm since my mind went in a haze. After Nurse Christine was done with the u/s I sat there silently as she explained what she saw and if I had to come back for another u/s or not. She checked with Dr B and they decided it was not needed since in their eyes my response was beautiful. I expressed my worries to the nurse in regards to the stubborn side becoming the dominant side. She assured me a million times that I will be fine. She expressed her satisfaction with my response and said how excited she was for how I responded. (DEEP BREATH) So I decided to just go with it, be worry free trusting their intuition. Besides I am already going into this with the mentality of doing IVF next cycle so whats the big deal,eh? No more u/s they are confident the follies will be mature by my IUI date. In reality I did respond better to letrozole than clomid. On both cycles of clomid my CD 12 u/s showed follies of 13mm or smaller. I am currently on CD 11 with two follies bigger than 13mm. The IUI is scheduled for Monday @ 9:30am, meaning I would have to take the Ovidrel on Saturday @ 9:30pm. J is on a no alcohol lock down this weekend so he can provide his sample on Monday. All I can do now is just hope for the best and let things develop as they should. Come on ovary don't fail me now!
The Response
A 20 something year old trying to navigate through the infertility world. After two miscarriages I was told I have two mutations of MTHFR and Lupus anticoagulant antibodies. Hoping to have a successful pregnancy so we can have are happy ending.
You've got this, girl! That is a great response! I was lucky to have 3 mature follicles even with injectables, so this is stellar for IUI! Wishing you the best of luck! Keep us posted!
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking about you! Monday it is! Looking forward to hearing how it goes :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck to ya'll on Monday :)
ReplyDeleteYay!!! Awesome, awesome!! So happy for you! Good luck, fingers crossed, and LOTS of baby dust!