Happy New Year's Eve, I'm PUPO!

Today was thee day, the day I became PUPO. The day I will remember forever no matter the outcome. Today reassured me that I did the right decision to leave my previous clinic and seek a new one. No regrets. I arrived at the clinic an hour before my appointment for my pre transfer acu session. I felt immediately relaxed and warm. Once that was over I was prepared for my transfer. Of course I forgot to drink water so they kindly gave me some. While J and I were talking Dr K stopped by to check on me. I hadn't seen him since my CD3 u/s and he seemed to be in a jolly mood. I was wearing a charm bracelet that J gave me once we found out our fresh cycle didn't take. He noticed it and smiled he said he got his wife one for Christmas. J personalized the charm bracelet around what we are going through. There's a charm of a baby carriage, a heart with the word peace on it, and a goodluck clove. Of course there's more but just pretty to look at. 

Anyhow, one of the nurses that has been there for me was assisting with the transfer. She came to get me with such a loving emotion. She told me she was extremely happy when she saw me on the list. Once I was all prepared for the Dr to do his job MY nurse, I say my nurse bc she's been there through everything and has never hesitated to do anything for me, came in to say hello and best wishes. She went to get Dr K for us and once he walked in to that room the fun began. I mean who makes you laugh so much when they know you have a full bladder? It got to the point that he said "Alright we should stop making her laugh before we make her pee on us." I honestly thought I was gonna pee right there and then. I love my clinic they really know how to lighten up the mood. Our two embabies were put in and I was sent off to do my acu session in the recovery room. 

J was extremely surprised that people went out of their way to go greet me. When you go to a place consistly these people become like your family. Caring for you shouldn't be a surprise, right? Compared to my last clinic this has truly touched me. There's not a day that I have walked into that clinic and have come out of there in frustration. 

Here's to a good start to 2014! Happy New Year's Eve everyone...hope everyone has a great time. 

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  1. Happy new year! Hoping for you that it's the best year yet!

  2. Yay! I hope you can say that you got pregnant in 2013!

  3. Congrats on being PUPO! Hope 2014 brings your take home baby, JoJo.

  4. Looks like some good blasts with many cells there! Yay for being pupo!

  5. Sending you lots and lots of prayers and good thoughts that these babies stick!!

  6. Happy New Year!! Sending lots and lots of good vibes your way!! xoxo

  7. So glad it was a good expeirence! PUPO!!! Wahoo!

  8. JoJo, this is so exciting! Peace be with your during these next few weeks! Beautiful blasts! Just gorgeous. At least ONE has to stick, right?!!?!? I have all the hope in the world for you!

  9. Yay for being PUPO! I'm praying that this one sticks!!! :)
