
Friday was our appt with DR JM. He was very straightforward and explained everything in detail. DH liked the way he worked, although he didn't have any expression on his face, I guess it was for the best specially in this type of situation. I dont know how I would have felt if he was trying to be sympathetic when he said I have polycystic ovaries. When we got to our appt I felt like the enviorment was relaxing and the wait time was wonderful, well for existing patients. Ofcourse we had to fill out some paperwork and the nurse had to take my picture to go in my file. After waiting to be called in we met with a nurse that asked us a couple questions to confirm what we had previously answered to get a better understanding. After she left DR JM came in and had a chat with us about our TTC journey. When he asked how long have we been trying and I told him 2 yrs but plus 3 yrs NTNP= 5yrs. He immediately said something might be causing the problem and I took a good direction coming in since previous DRs didnt seem to concern with my irregular cycles. We went off to do an U/S and as I predicted I had already ovulated and was 5 DPO. I had ovulated from my left ovary, and there was 15+ follicles including the one that was released. On my right ovary there was 10+ and my lining was 11mm. During the u/s he explained everything in detailed, after the u/s he explained to me that I have polycystic ovaries and that it could be the cause of me not conceiving yet. He stated that my ovaries produce more than enough eggs, he paused for a minute and asked if i had taken any fertility meds of course i had not, and then he continued saying that those eggs were not maturing. He stated the way this is treated is with BCP but since I am trying to conceive I would have to be put on Clomid and they would have to monitor me and then perform and IUI. I had to do the fertility panel bloodwork and also schedule a Hysterosalpingogram to check if my tubes were blocked since I am ovulating. DH had his SA and the results were given to us that same day as well as my progest test. DH's SA came back fine and my progest came back at 27. My other bloodwork will be ready today. Although we are both relieved to know some answers it saddens me because I wont be able to start any treatment until November. I guess we would just have to wait until then and try naturally and I will certainly continue to take my Maca and Vitex to control my irregular cycles.
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