So it looks like I had a slow rise but it shot up at 2DPO. Which is unusual for me but then again I have been taking my temparature later since my schedule changed. We will see how this month turns out, I want to be hopeful but a part of me knows it might be just another cycle.

I have been turning the idea of waiting to do any treatment in the beginning of next year. The reason for that is because I couldn't find a place to get the rubella vaccine so I would have to get it this coming cycle and wait until December's cycle for any treatment. Why wait? Well...December is a really busy month in the business world. People are trying to get holidays off, some even the whole month off, that its just impossible to get the time approved during that time of year.

I spoke with DH of the possibility of waiting and he wasn't very fond of the idea. He seemed a bit upset and I can't blame him because I have had a difficult time convincing myself that it's for the best. Given that I only have 2 1/2 more days of sick time and I can't get a guarantee that I would be able to use vacation time during that time of month. After seeing how sadden it got him I decided to talk to my manager about it and see what can be done. (She is aware of my struggle and completely understands my situation). Surprisingly she happened to reach out to me today ( I haven't really seen her since I am doing my internship and its in a different blg) I was glad to hear from her and decided to just put all the cards in the table. She isnt aware that I have actually went to go see a specialist. I explained my dilemma and what she thought about me continuing with it or waiting until the beginning of next year. She expressed the same concerns that I had and said she couldnt guarantee that I would get the days off. My heart just sank and I felt like I had to wait a million years to begin this infertile treatment.

Within minutes she reached out to me again and said "You can try calling DMS and see if they would cover you under FMLA so u have that guaranteed timeoff" (I was smiling at this point). Sure enough I called the # she gave me for them and they said "Oh yes **** does cover Fertility treatment under FMLA." I was sooooo thrilled beyond what words can explain!

I can honestly now say that my job kicks ass. HAHAHA! They do have the best interest in their employees and I am proud to work for such a wonderful company.
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  1. Such awesome news!! And your chart looks great so far!! Fingers crossed!!

    1. Thank you lady! Hope everything is going swell in ur pregnancy(:

  2. So great that you love what you do! Just curious, but do you agree with FF? Just glancing at it, looks like you may have O'ed CD22 and not CD21? If that's the case, your BD timing was even more spot on though! Important thing is that you O'ed. Wishing you oodles of good luck!

    1. Thank you for the wishes! No I know I ovulated the morning of CD 22 bc my breast become tender right after. I never ovulate the same date as my positive opk.

    2. Exactly! I think it's strange that FF is putting your O date at CD21, when it's supposed to be at CD22. Must be the mode you have it in or something? If you switch your settings to "OPK mode" it might switch your O date to the correct day.

  3. That's great news! Isn't it great when something goes your way that is TTC related? I always get so excited about things like that b/c sometimes it's so easy to feel defeated. Yay for your mini victory! :)
