Just like that

It's over...not even when your numbers more than double does it mean everything is progressing as it should. I didn't even make it to my first ultrasound when this pregnancy was taken from me.

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  1. My heart is broken for you. I am so sorry. You do not deserve to be going through this again. Sending all my love!

  2. So extremely heartbroken to read this Jo Jo. I'm so sorry. :(

  3. Oh Jo Jo - I hate this for you. So much. I hate it. I am sorry to be reading this. Praying for your right now

  4. Jo Jo, I have no words. It broke my heart to see this post. Sending you so much love. xoxo

  5. Jo Jo I am so very sorry. I know there are no words right now but know I am praying for you so much right now. I am heartbroken for you :( HUGS

  6. I am so so sorry girl. My heart is hurting for you so bad... know you are in my prayers and i'm sending you so many hugs.

  7. So heart breaking to read! I am so sorry :/ Sending you hugs xo

